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Parl. Act No. 21 from 16 March 2012 on Harbour Pilotage, as last amended by Parliamentary Act No. 31 of 17 March 2022 (Pilotage Act) 

Executive Order No. 152 of 18 December 2012 on pilot certificates and pilot exemption certificates etc. as amended by executive order No. 26 of 23 April 2013

Executive order No. 153 of 21 December 2012 on pilotage, payment, etc. as amended by executive order No. 122 of 26 July 2019



Executive Order No. 6 of 7 October 2013 from the Faroese Maritime Authority for preventing piracy and armed robbery against Faroese ships

Executive Order No. 475 of 11 October 1983 concerning application of the parliamentary act on safety of ships


Parl. Act No. 4 of 15 January 1988 on Seafarers' conditions of employment etc. as last amended by Parl. Act No. 28 of 11 March 2022

Executive Order No. 5 of 30 January 2002 on recognition of foreign certificates of competency for service on merchant vessels as amended in Executive Order No. 39 of 1 May 2012

Executive Order No. 48 of 30 April 2019 on Discharge Books

Parl. Act No. 55 of 30 April 2018 on the signing on and signing off (The signing on and signing off Act)

Parliamentary Act No. 63 of 3 July 1998 on Manning of Ships as last amended by Parliamentary Act. No. 168 of 16 December 2021

Executive Order No. 66 of 14 June 2016 on recognition of foreign certificates of competency for service on Faroese fishing vessels

Executive Order No 87 of 18 June 2013 on the hygienic competences of seafarers, handling of articles of food on board ships (MLC)

Executive Order no. 102 of 9 July 2019 on safe manning for vessels below 20 GT carrying up to 12 passengers on near coastal voyages

Executive Order No. 105 of 5 August 2015 on certificates of competency and qualification requirements to manning on ships as amended by Executive Order No. 133 of 21 September 2017

Executive Order No. 91 from 27 June 2018 on special requirements for manning on ships operating in polar waters

Executive Order No. 92 from 27 June 2018 on specific qualification requirements to manning on ships subject to the IGF Code

Executive Order No 133 of 23 October 2019 on the signing on and off

The Employees Guarantee Fund - declaration
The Faroese National Health Insurance - declaration
The Faroese Maternity/Paternity System - declaration
The Social Office - declaration
The Faroese National Board of Industrial Injuries - declaration



Executive Order No. 3 of 6 January 2017 on the Posting of Information on the Rights of Seafarers and the Masters under the Act on Compensation for Industrial Injuries (MLC)

Executive Order No. 4 of 6 January 2017 on Insurance or other Financial Security for Covering the Shipowner’s Liability towards the Seafarer and the Master in case of Breach of the Employment Agreement (MLC)

Executive Order No. 41 of 14 May 2013 on food on board Faroese ships (MLC)

Executive Order No. 42 of 14 May 2013 on handling of complaints on board Faroese ships (MLC)

Executive Order No. 43 of 14 May 2013 on the employer's obligation to conclude a written contract with the seafarer on the conditions of employment (MLC)

Executive Order No. 68 of 23 may 2013 on the activities of private recruitment and placement services for seafarers(MLC)

Executive Order No. 82 of 6 June 2013 on medical examination of seafarers, incl. guidelines on disease and conditions that prevent the issuance of health certificates(MLC/STCW)

Executive Order No 88 of 18 June 2013 on compensation for personal possessions in connection with loss of ship(MLC)

Executive order No. 88 of 27 May 2021 on the employer’s obligation to conclude a written contract with the seafarer on the conditions of employment on board fishing vessels

Executive Order No 90 of 27 May 2021 on free repatriation with subsistence allowance and on financial security  (MLC)

Executive Order No. 92 of 2 June 2021 on seafarers' hours of rest employed on fishing vessels (MLC)


Notice No. 2 of 11 December 2012 from the Faroese Maritime Authority on Medicine Chest and medical treatment on board ships 

Parl Act No. 61 of 10 June 2008 on Restrictions on Smoking

Parl. Act No. 90 of 10 June 1982 on the tonnage measurement of ships

Notice No. 2 of 21 February 2011 from the Faroese Maritime Authority on regulations for preventing collisions at sea

Executive order No. 28 of 4 September 2017 on ballast water management plans, record books, survey of ships using ballast water etc. as amenden by executive order No. 127 of 14 September 2022


Parl. Act. No. 78 of 10 March 1992 on Faroese International Ship Register as last amended by Parl. Act. No. 51 of 15 May 2014