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New Notice B


New Notice B announced from the Faroese Maritime Authority (FMA)

On May, 1st this year, a new completed update of Notice B entered into force. This implies that all amendments made throughout the years are written together, in addition to updates and amendments in several chapters.

A brief description of the amendments is accessible in the appendix to this newsletter.

It is the first time that a Notice has been published similar to other Executive Orders on the public database Kunngerðarportalur. From now on, Notices will be called Executive Order from the FMA.

In future Notices from the FMA will be accessible on the public Faroese Law-database www.logir.fo. The FMA will, however, update the database on rules and regulation whenever new amendments are announced on the Kunngerðarportalur. The purpose for this update from the FMA is due to the possibility to classify the technical regulation after type and size of the vessel. Thereby it is easier to get an overview and find the relevant parts of the technical regulation.


Amended chapters

Chapter II-1, Construction – structure, subdivision and stability, machinery and electrical installations.

More alternative methods for controlling and testing steering gear in connection with ships' sea trials are introduced.

Chapter II-2, Construction – fire protection, fire detection and fire extinction.

Provisions are introduced requiring new tankers and chemical tankers of between 8,000 and 20,000 tonnes deadweight to have on board an inert gas system if they carry products with a flashpoint below 60 degrees C. Provisions are also introduced requiring new ships designed for the carriage of containers on or above the weather deck to be fitted with additional fire-extinguishing systems for fire fighting. Finally, a number of clarifications are made as regards the requirements for escape routes and ventilation systems.

Chapter II-5, Regulations on the determination of load lines

A number of the administrative provisions and obligations, respectively, addressed at the flag State are clarified.

Chapter II-5 N, Load lines

Only linguistic clarifications have been made.

Chapter III, Life-saving appliances and arrangements.

The requirement for immersion suits is clarified.

Chapter XIII, Verification of compliance

Provisions are included implementing the IMO Member State Audit Scheme (the Instruments Implementation Code).

Chapter XIV, Seafarers' working and living conditions.

Existing text from the previous part XIII has been moved to a new chapter XIV due to the implementation of the Instruments Implementation Code internationally.

Chapter XXI, Prevention of oil pollution from ships.

Provisions are introduced implementing the IMO Member State Audit Scheme (the Instruments Implementation Code). In addition, requirements are introduced for oil tankers to be fitted with a stability instrument capable of verifying ships' compliance with the intact and leak stability requirements when they are not operated in accordance with (already) approved conditions.

Chapter XXII, Control of pollution by noxious liquid substances in bulk.

Provisions are included implementing the IMO Member State Audit Scheme (the Instruments Implementation Code). Chapter XXIII, Prevention of pollution by harmful substances carried by sea in packaged form. Provisions are included implementing the IMO Member State Audit Scheme (the Instruments Implementation Code).

Chapter XXIV, Prevention of pollution by sewage from ships.

Provisions are included implementing the IMO Member State Audit Scheme (the Instruments Implementation Code).

Chapter XXV, Prevention of pollution by garbage from ships.

Provisions are included implementing the IMO Member State Audit Scheme (the Instruments Implementation Code).

Chapter XXVI, Prevention of air pollution from ships.

Provisions are included implementing the IMO Member State Audit Scheme (the Instruments Implementation Code).

Appendix 1

Regulations entering into force on 1 March 2016

This part contains regulations entering into force on 1 March 2016, which will not be incorporated into the consolidated text until the publication of the next consolidated version of this set of regulations.

Chapter XXI – Prevention of oil pollution from ships

It is clarified that the carriage of oil products as ballast is also included.

Chapter XXIII – Prevention of pollution by harmful substances carried by sea in packaged form

Only a minor linguistic clarification has been made.

Chapter XXVI – Prevention of air pollution by ships

The maximum NOx emissions from ships' engines are clarified/established.

Appendix 2

Regulations entering into force on 1 July 2016

This part contains regulations entering into force on 1 July 2016, which will not be incorporated into the consolidated text until the publication of the next consolidated version of this set of regulations.

Chapter II-2 – Construction – Fire protection, fire detection and fire extinction

A minor clarification has been made.

Chapter VI – Carriage of cargoes and oil fuels

It is clarified that the shipping document for packed containers shall include information on the verified weight.

Chapter XI-1 – Special measures to enhance maritime safety

It is stipulated that ships shall carry an atmosphere testing instrument for enclosed spaces.