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Letter of Commendation for saving Faroese rowers


Earlier this year, the FMA nominated Capt. Sergey Vasiliev of the Nordic Quinngua for the 2023 IMO Honours for Exceptional Bravery at Sea for saving the lives of two Faroese rowers whose boat capsized on their journey across the Atlantic. The two men were skilfully pulled from the sea during strong waves and difficult manoeuvring conditions.

For this act of bravery, The IMO awarded Capt. Vasiliev a Letter of Commendation.

This year, the IMO received 47 nominations for exceptional bravery at sea. The main winner was Caleb Halle from the US Coast guard while 17 others received commendations. Capt. Vasiliev was one of them.

This is the first time that the FMA has nominated a seafarer for an award. We are very grateful that Capt. Vasiliev receives the thanks and honour that he deserves. The main goal of the FMA is to protect life at sea, and when someone does something exceptional to saves lives, we are happy to celebrate this, says Hans Johannes á Brúgv, Director General at the Faroese Maritime Authority.

The Nordic Quinngua crew together with the two saved men. Capt. Sergey Vasiliev third from the right. (Photo credit: Nordic Bulk Carriers)