The Danish regulations on occupational health apply to all work carried out on board ships and prescribe that the obligations rest with the shipowners, masters, foremen and other persons carrying out work on board. The regulations implement EU directives on the health and safety of employees during work, including pregnant employees, employees who have just given birth or who are breast-feeding. The regulations concern the planning and arrangement of the work, the performance of the work, training and instructions, control of occupational health, general preventive principles as well as occupational health effects (physical, biological and chemical ones). In addition, there are special regulations on young persons' work on board ships, including certain types of work that must not be carried out by young persons below the age of 18.The planning and arrangement of the work presupposes that a workplace assessment is made which must be available in writing to the extent that it is of special importance to health and safety during work. The workplace assessment must, inter alia, be made in consideration of the best possible prevention of accidents or occupational injuries.
Occupational accidents and injuries
The master of any ship must report occupational accidents and incidents of poisoning that have occurred on board the ship if the accident or the poisoning has lead to incapacity for work for one day or more in addition to the day of the incident or if the injured person has not been able to carry out his or her usual work on board for one day or more in addition to the day of the injury.
The safety organisation on board
In merchant ships with a fixed manning of 4 or more persons, a safety organisation must be established. The members of a safety group must have completed a course in occupational health approved by the Faroese Maritime Authority.
The members of the safety organisation must strive to solve health- and safety-related problems on board. The safety group must check that the working conditions and the work are arranged and carried out in a manner that is appropriate in terms of health and safety.
Please see:
The Employees Guarantee Fund - declaration
The Faroese National Health Insurance - declaration
The Faroese Maternity/Paternity System - declaration
The Social Office - declaration
The Faroese National Board of Industrial Injuries - declaration