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Recruitment Service


Act on seafarers' conditions of employment, etc., sections 8a-8e, Provisions on the recruiting and placing of seafarers and Executive Order on the activities of private recruitment and placement services in the Faroe Islands
Private recruitment and placement services for seafarers, the primary purpose of which is to recruit or place seafarers or which recruit or place a considerable number of seafarers must be operated in the Faroe Islands only if they are certified for this purpose by the Faroese Maritime Authority.

Shipowners using such Faroese private recruitment and placement services must ensure that the relevant services hold a valid certificate issued by the Faroese Maritime Authority. The certificate is normally valid for 5 years.

Shipowners using private recruitment and placement services for seafarers in countries that have ratified the MLC or ILO Convention no. 179 on the recruitment and placement of seafarers (1996) must ensure that the relevant services hold a certificate or a licence documenting that they are operated in accordance with the requirements of the relevant convention.

If the relevant country does not issue such certificates or licences to private recruitment or placement services, the shipowners must procure any other type of official confirmation that the relevant services are operated in accordance with the requirements of one of the conventions mentioned above.

Shipowners using private recruitment and placement services for seafarers in countries that have not ratified the MLC or ILO Convention no. 179 must be able to document that the relevant services meet the requirements for recruitment and placement services stipulated in the relevant conventions.

The Faroese Maritime Authority can approve a shipowner's use of a private recruitment and placement service for seafarers in a country that has not ratified the MLC or ILO Convention no. 179. The approval is granted for a limited period of time that is normally 5 years.

Please see Executive Order No. 68 on the activities of private recruitment and placements services for seafarers.